Saying Bahala Na means you can trust God, a deep and mysterious Cosmic Intelligence of the Universe:
“Creator, whatever it is you want me to do today, this is what I want to do. Whatever it is you want me to say, today, Creator, that is what I want to say. Wherever it is you want me to go today, Creator, that is where I want to go.”
—Sequoyah, a Native American
“Let it be with me according to your word.”
—Luke 1:38
“It was not the physical stamina of [Mother] Mary that caused me to marvel most—It was her spiritual stamina, her absolute trusting faith in God in the face of bewildering circumstances…”
——Holly W. Whitcomb, Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting: Patience, Loss of Control, Living in the Present, Compassion, Gratitude, Humility, Trust in God