This page is here so you can share when and how you usually say Bahala Na and Bathala Na.
All around the Philippines people will say, Bahala Na and Bathala Na to accompany action, activity and/or when waiting for results of said action and activity. I like to say Bahala Na to mean that I am connecting to God in that moment of action or activity.
Many Filipinos also tend to say “Ako ang bahala” or “Ako ang bahala sa iyo” which translates closely to “I am responsible” or “I am responsible for you.”
In the Visayan region where I grew up, people also appear to shorten the phrase “Bahala Na” to such remarks as:
“hala mo da!” = watch out, you are responsible
“hindi bala?” = isn’t that how it is?
I invite you to share now how you use the phrases of Bahala Na and Bathala Na or have heard it used by others. Use the comment feature below.