God is in the details and everywhere
My belief is that the ultimate Divine is so beyond gender, writings and human comprehension that the true nature of […]
Loving God with all of your being
Mark 12: 28 – 30 —————————————————————————– And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing […]
have a mind fragrant with LOVE of GOD
“Learn to surrender to the Divine Will, So you will understand quickly, And have a mind fragrant with LOVE of […]
Being closer to God
Saying Bahala Na or Bathala Na can be a phrase that beckons us to be closer to God. Come, O […]
Thy will be done.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10 Bahala Na.
Rising above a fast-paced world
Nowadays we all live in a fast-paced world and are programmed to expect everything to happen instantaneously or to get […]

Bahala Na in the Great Invocation
The Great Invocation, a universal prayer for all humanity, is for me very much like invoking Bahala Na in a longer […]