Don’t be afraid to step into the unknown. Don’t be afraid of the darkness.
Say these things to yourself when you are afraid and need to take courage:
I have a light inside of me and it is connected to something unimagineably Greater, Brighter, Good, Wise and Loving that will light and guide my way.
The Light shines within me and it crystallizes and brightens my inner vision so I can see my path clearly before me.
I trust my inner compass. I have faith in the Strength that comes from the Source. I ask (your choice) God/Goddess/AllThatIs, Jesus, Mary, Allah, Buddha, Bathala, the Saints, Angels, boddhisatvas that He/She/They accompany me along all moments of my Life. I am grateful for Divine company and guidance.
I balance my reasoning and intuition to make my way through life.
I take note of coincidences. Synchronicity in ordinary occurrences are messages from Unseen guidance and Wisdom that I need to pay attention… These are my signposts and lamposts along the way.
There is always safe ground for me to stand on.
And when I need it most, I already have the wings and ability to fly.
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