I live in Texas.
My two older sons, who are distinctly hapa (mixed asian and white) have experienced racism from all colors—mexicans, blacks AND whites. My two older children are still processing the racism and bullying they experienced in Texas middle school and high school.
The point is certain familial, cultural, religious values and beliefs can shrink minds and hearts and this is the source of conflict between races, religions, and socio-economic and education strata.
Those who are racists or elitists have small hearts and minds that cannot fit the expanse of humanity nor God’s creation in their human being-ness.
The shift that is needed is for Love to expand hearts and minds.
I have come to believe that the meaning of “the end of the world as we know it” really means the death of Fear and and the illusions that we are separate from each other. It will be a different world when all people become aware and act from the fact that God’s light is here within each of us and in each other, in this very moment.
I ‘m unabashedly idealistic. I hope for some quantum shift to take place within hearts and minds, and that this will transform life on Earth.
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